Monday, January 22, 2007

skaska brown warm shawl

The brown cashmere skaska warm shawl is done! Blocked! And ready to wear! I did make a few mistakes on it - so maybe at some point I will knit another, but really I am so happy and proud of it!
It is 8 repeats of 72 rows of lace pattern, knit on size two needles from the pattern that I got in Gallena Skaska's "Russian Lace Knitting" class.
Still haven't figured out the best way to photograph it - oh, well!


eve knits said...

That is so beautiful! How long did it take you to make it?? I've been wanting to knit a shawl on sz 2's for the longest, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Happy Knitting!!

sunneshine said...

This really wasn't too long to make. It would have been about 10 days, had I not run out of yarn and have to order more. So I would say about 20 hours....just under 3 hours for each lace repeat....

Jana said...

Wow that is gorgeous! And cashmere? It must feel amazing! Congrats!

MsFortuknit said...

again! Lovely!